What is Blocking The Law Of Attraction?

Jun 24, 2019

Have you ever asked yourself, what is blocking the law of attraction? What is blocking me? What is stopping me from manifesting what I want? How can I speed up the process to attract the money, the job, the love, the adventure, whatever it is that I want? It's a beautiful day out here in the beautiful islands of Hawaii and this blog is going to change your life.

 This is something that just happened and it's really gonna open up the floodgates. Life is meant to flow. The Universe is conspiring on your behalf, but you're blocking it from happening and you don't know it yet.

My good buddy started their own business and I just saw them. I was just talking to them and they just got their first main client and they were so excited and I said, "you're going to have 10 before you know it", and they say back, "yeah if I could just pay my rent, that'd be great." And I said, "that'd be great.

But also don't set it too low. Don't set the bar too low." You know, Michael Angelo had a...

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